ArborSpring’s model of ministry is based on the biblical concept of equipping (Eph. 4:11-13).

In the Greek, the word "equip" has three aspects to it: establishing/laying foundations; mending/restoring; and, preparing/training. These correspond to the three aspects of ArborSpring's ministry: seeding, weeding and feeding.

  • In seeding, we focus on helping others to establish their foundation in a relationship with Jesus, his Word and his Church.

  • In weeding, we provide activities that enable people to address areas of brokenness for which they need spiritual and emotional healing.

  • In feeding, the emphasis is on preparing and training people in specific ministry and leadership skills so they can be more fruitful and faithful in their callings.

Each of our activities falls in one of these three areas of equipping. The outcome is a biblical and holistic approach to make and mature disciples of Jesus for greater kingdom life, ministry and mission.

This diagram depicts ArborSpring’s equipping model. We in ArborSpring have been intentional about developing ministries that seek to help followers of Jesus grow in each of the areas of seeding, weeding and feeding. Our goal as a community and ministry is not to grow larger in number, but to equip and then release disciples to live out their identity in Christ and the calling he has given them, wherever that might be. Our heart is to see them become more than they are so that they can do more than they imagined for the glory of God and the good of the world.